Acupuncture for General Health

Promote Balance and Renewed Wellbeing.

TCM, in conjunction with acupuncture, provides an integrative and comprehensive approach to medicine, addressing both the body and mind. Through the stimulation of the central nervous system, acupuncture triggers the release of beneficial chemicals within the muscles, spinal cord, and brain.

This stimulation contributes to improved blood circulation, strengthened immune function, and enhanced homeostatic regulation, ultimately fostering a state of improved physiological balance. Acupuncture plays a pivotal role in supporting various aspects of health, including the immune system, digestion, stress reduction, and chronic pain management, while also regulating blood pressure and hormone levels.

Acupuncture acts upon the body’s neuroendocrine system, promoting the release of naturally occurring opioids like beta-endorphins, enkephalins, and dynorphins.
These substances possess notable analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, contributing to pain relief and inflammation reduction.
In addition, acupuncture exerts its influence on the autonomic nervous system, positively impacting heart rate variability, blood pressure, and stress levels. By activating sensory nerve fibers, it elicits the release of vital neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and glutamate, which play a key role in regulating mood, stress response, and pain perception. These intricate mechanisms collectively enhance blood circulation, fortify immune function, and promote optimal physiological balance.

Here are some of the ways Acupuncture for General Health can help: